Saturday, March 1, 2008

Prayer Requests and Praises

This is a spot for us to keep our prayers and praises. And it should e-mail to alert us so here goes.


Ryan, Tyler and our crazy cat Gracie said...

Kristen- she is still in pain from the surgery. Discouraged that it did not do its job. New meds had adverse side affects. Prayer that the half dose will work w/out the negative sides. Her b-day is this month (3/18). This road she is travelling is 5 yrs. old. Pray for endurance and perserverance for her and for her family. Praise- she's still her and defying Docs prognosis!

Ryan, Tyler and our crazy cat Gracie said...

Me Again. I need prayer for a few things.
One is Naomi (16 yr. old) is struggling with mental illness. Pray for the family and docs as they decide meds and life situation.

Two- Emily (our "adopted" daughter 18 yrs old). She has many health issues but are hoping that a hysterectomy will help many of them. This is Mar. 12th.

Three- Our financially challenging year (started July)continues. The need for a plumber arose again last week, to replace the shower pipes which continued to spew water after shut off and then Don's car slid into a very big truck as he was backing out of a parking spot. Nothing happing to the other vehicle but our trunk is off kilter and lights out of whack a bit...

Julia and Alicia said...

2 prayer requests -- Don has an interview today.

Alicia is really struggling with the death of my grandmother -- and asking so many questions -- and not wanting to go to sleep -- She really wanted "to watch Grammie Kelley die" -- and "what did it look like" etc.

I just keep praying that God would speak through me -- because when I think about the right thing to say it comes out wrong -- and I find out later that it made it worse for her. I was trying to make it easy for her and said "she just closed her eyes and looked like she was sleeping" -- and of course later, I find out that she no longer wants to close her eyes and sleep -- that kind of stuff

Julia and Alicia said...

I need prayers today. I am low on sleep. DH is now feeling that he needs to be done this job - even before finding another. I woke up to Alicia bleeding all over the place from her chin. Then I find out that Julia has done her first shop lifting - a lollipop from the Dollar store... weeks ago and had it hidden in her room (half eaten). Did anyone elses child become someone else at 7 1/2? -- She has lied, disobeyed, been very sneaky, and now shoplifted -- and it feels like it all began at 7 1/2!!!!! I've been praying all morning on what to do -- now I am seeking Godly advice. I already told her she would be returning the candy and apologizing. I am physically and emotionally exhausted. I feel like I've kept it together and been strong for everyone for a long time -- now I feel like I'm going to fall apart. After I found out about the shoplifting, I just broke down crying. please pray for me and my family today

Kelly said...

Hi everyone. My prayer request for today is for healing: emotionally--and physically. Won't bore you with all the details and I don't want to complain.

Shanna-still having eye problems even after Lainey was born. She has been to her doctors and now she has an appointment with her eye doctor to see if they can figure out what is going on.

For Doug-back is still bothersome, but went to a surgeon for input. No surgury is require thanks be to God. He has to do lots of core strenghtening though and I just need him to get in the mindset to do it.

Ryan, Tyler and our crazy cat Gracie said...

A dear friend from childhood through college (became Don's friend too in college) Jeff found a lump Tues. in his abdomen. They did a CT scan it is lymphoma. They are doing a biopsy to find out if it is cancerous... He has 5 kids 13 and under. He told the 3 oldest. He also is a teacher. SO many children involved besides his family. They are strong Christians but I would think this is scary territory.

Ryan, Tyler and our crazy cat Gracie said...

Hello Me again,

We need guidance and direction. We really want to be in God's will and be where he wants us to be. We don't feel that we know the answer to that right now. Don is really struggling physically (exhausted, not sleeping well, sick pretty much every week and a half) as well as ministry. He has way too much on his plate for one human being... Thanks, Peggy

Ryan, Tyler and our crazy cat Gracie said...

Okay so I'm starting to feel needy with all my requests. This one is for wisdom for myself and healing and deliverance for Abbey (a person God has placed in my life). Pray that she will receive God's healing touch and salvation and get the help she will need to overcome. Thanks again.

Julia and Alicia said...

Prayer Request for the day from VT --- Don has an interview today with a place like Ronald McDonald's House. He is very excited about it (even bought new shoes) :)
It would mean another move.

Is there a way to update on past requests? I need to know the answers to the prayer requests.

Ryan, Tyler and our crazy cat Gracie said...

Well I reviewed my many requests and all are pretty status quo. Emily's surgery is this Wed. and her mom is threatening not to be there for her (serious mental issues)
-Don is feeling better, getting better rest and thinking clearer about future but still in need of guidance.
-Dent was not too bad but now car sounds like a souped up vehicle because Don backed down someone's really bad driveway. He's taking it today to see what is going on and the van needs brakes before it can pass inspection this month.
-What about other updates from you ladies.

Ryan, Tyler and our crazy cat Gracie said...

God is good all the time. He is a rock and a strong tower even when I feel like I'm sinking. I know that he has a plan and a purpose for our lives and he has not forgotten us in the middle of our financial and emotional struggles. He is still talking to me and showing me many things and allowing me to be part of people's journeys to know him better.

Ryan, Tyler and our crazy cat Gracie said...

Hello! I have another praise. The car was repaired quick and cheap. No more souped up vehicles:).
Please be praying for Emily today as she is in surgery right now. Mom didn't go but did call right as she was going in.
I'll update later.

Ryan, Tyler and our crazy cat Gracie said...

Hello Ladies,
Emily is doing well, thank you for your prayers.

Don still needs major wisdom and guidance. (I need need it too so I can encourage him in the way that God would want him to go)

Kristen decided to go off the one med since it was not working and is not going on the other chemo that would destroy her heart. She says she's feeling good.

Also the the Milligans are looking for some families with terminally ill parent that would like to go on a 4 day trip all expenses paid to Lake George. It is through Inheritance of hope. If you know of anyone who fits this feel free to pass on info. It sounds like a wonderful time.